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Post Adoption Manual for








Good with



(*) this means the dog has been urinating and defecating indoors and outdoors. please use PP pad to help him/her go through smooth transition if need be. you can do so by slowly moving pp pad out the patio and praising him/her for urinating and defecating outside.

< Safe First Meeting >

Either you are meeting the dog at the airport or at our foster parent’s place, you MUST prepare items below. Ask for measurements if not sure.

  • Martingale collar

  • H-harness or 3-point harness

  • Double-ended hooks(optional/recommended); coupler or Leash with a hook on each end.

  1. Do NOT let the dog out to put on/change a harness or a collar in open space; parking lot, side of the road, or arrival at the airport.

  2. If the dog was handed to you in a kennel, make sure you go to a safely confined area first.

  3. do NOT use a retractable leash as it can make a loud noise when dragged and spook the dog to run away.

If your home is too far away, find a safely confined place; relief area(at airports), fenced-in backyard, or indoors.
If your home is not far away, do not let him/her out before you arrive home and let him/her out in a safely confined area. 

<Safe Transportation>

At the beginning of the adjustment period, use a kennel to transport the dog from place to place. There is a good chance the dog will be lost.​


<How to become friends with her quickly>

Please kindly follow the below steps.

  1. From a few steps away, show her the food on your palm.

  2. If she comes to you to eat, let her eat the food from your hand but do not try to touch her. When she is done, step away from her again.

  3. Repeat the above steps.

  4. If she moves her body faster than before and wags her tail, you can touch her body starting from her head; below the eyes.

The dog’s food reaction might not be good from traveling such a long distance. 
In this case, you can give her enough water but don't give her food until she is interested in food.
Give her enough time to relax, explore new environments and explore people. 
After this process, her condition will be restored. 
If she does not eat any food after 48 hours, please let us know.

<Perfect First Walk>

The dog may make a sudden movement at any time due to stress from a long-distance trip and/or changes in living conditions. 
The most common problem is running away when startled/spooked
Therefore, do not take a walk outside for at least 48 hours or up to a week until you feel that she is adapted to the new environment and to your family.
The most important thing is building a bond between your family and the dog before taking a walk outside.

Of course, any activities in a safely confined space are possible. 
You can help him/her pee or poop in a fenced-in backyard. 

  1. The collar should be fastened as much as possible but still comfortable enough.

  2. You should be watchful of his/her sudden movements at any time. Any loud noises or fast-moving objects may scare him/her to run off.

  3. It is a good sign that she eats food while she's walking. Keep trying giving her delicious foods.

  4. Dogs, especially Jindo dogs, are on high alert under unstable conditions(the dog won’t show interest in foods and would stay alert while keeping an eye on the surroundings). If you feel she is not stable and relaxed enough, avoid direct contact with other dogs and people.


In general, when you welcome a rescue dog into your family as a family member, there are a few general rules of thumb to follow.

  1. Do Not stare in their eyes.

  2. Do Not approach and put your hand/fist in front of the dog’s nose.

  3. Do Not try to pet but if she allows, pet below the eyes(ex, chest area or cheeks)

  4. Do Not stand over the dog and try to pet.

  5. Do Not speak to the dog in high tone voice as it can sound dominating.

  6. Do Not make Sudden/Swift/Exaggerated movements.

  7. Do Not let him/her on furniture. This helps prevent separation anxiety by teaching him/her that she can be fine/comfortable by herself/himself without hoomans. 

Please follow the recommendations listed below.

  1. Please hand feed him/her if she is slow to open.

  2. Feed him/her in a kennel with the door open and leave him/her be until she is done; give him/her some space and do not watch/stare him/her eating.

  3. Please, do not crate the pup and let him/her find its own safe/comfy spot in the house.

  4. Please talk to him/her with a merry/jolly voice.

  5. Please walk him/her around the residence; frequent and short walks.
    ; This helps him/her learn the neighborhood and where home is.

  6. Please use both harness and dog collar when going out for a walk.

  7. Please either

    • try to keep a consistent pace on a walk when encountered other dogs on a walk. or step aside while people/other dogs pass by.

  8. Please use the baby gate in the front doorway and be watchful when opening the front door or backyard gate.

  9. Long-distance trips and unfamiliar environments can cause fatigue and an elevated stress level during the initial adjustment period, so please give him/her plenty of time to rest.

  10. Please be patient until he/she feels comfortable in the new environment and bonds to your family.

  11. Please do not take him/her to busy and crowded places; places with a lot of people and/or cars, trails with heavy traffic, or off-leash parks, until

    • he/she has some understanding of his/her new family and the area.

    • he/she comes when called.

  12. When you go out with him/her, please make sure he/she wears…

    • ​an identification tag (owner's name, contact information)

    • a martingale collar

    • H-shaped harness(recommended design); make sure the hind ring does not fit loose.

      • ​in any case, when he/she starts backing off facing you, give a little bit of slack and redirect; he/She may slip out of the harness.

      • a three-point harness is preferred but it can be very expensive.

    • double-ended hooks(optional/recommended); coupler or double-hook leash, to connect the harness and the collar.

      #They are recommended until he/she comes to you when called#



Flying Jindo & Welcome Dog Korea

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